Nov 09, 2008 00:20

Now, I should hope no one's panicking about the epidemic illness and that unpleasant people-turning-into-stone business. The sickness--as varied as it is--is undoubtedly yet another curse, and it will resolve itself in time. I would recommend accepting the deities' cure only if you're prepared to experience a potentially unpleasant side-effect. It would be much safer to treat the symptoms, stay warm, and attempt to recover on your own.

If, however, you or someone you know has a weak immune system or is either extremely young or old, risking the deities' cure may be necessary. The flu can be lethal!

As for the investigation into the unfortunate stone business, it's obvious that the perpetrator utilizes magic of some sort. That narrows the list of possible suspects, doesn't it? Simply round up everyone with powers and see who can turn others into stone. Of course, I doubt the guilty party would readily confess, so it may be more useful to ask those who know the magic-users precisely what they can do...

It takes a certain sort of mind to do this sort of thing. Who among the potential suspects would be malicious enough to turn people into stone?

epidemics, deductions, genius at work, serious business, deities, helpful friar is... kind of helpful

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