Sep 24, 2003 15:32
ok so heres a hopefully big update! School's been ok. monday was a really bad day, but things have gotten better! last friday was the football game. and i was soposed to have rachel, cherish and stephanie over, but rachel got sick and it turns out she had to get her appendix out. shes doing pretty good now. but she said she's really sore. sooo i hope ya get better rachel! and stephanie said she couldnt come cuz her nephew was coming over. but cherish came over. we hung out after school with jessica then we went to veronica's house. we got ready there and went to the game. the game was really weird. everyone was split into groups we dont normally hang out with. but it was still pretty fun. after the game was the "dance" put on my the science club. and there werent very many people but we went anyways. we didnt dance. but we sat around till the end. I've decided i dont like nathan anymore. justas a friend. and barely even a friend. cuz it seems likes he's too good to talk to people. i know he's shy. but so am i and i still talk to people. but i DO like Bryce. hes a 9th grader but hes soposed to be in out grade. me him and cherish talked after everyone left. he seems like a really kool guy and i wanna talk to him more. so hopefully at the football game THIS friday, i can. so me and cherish came back here and started watching scary movie 2. but we were tired so we only got to the part when hanson is making them dinner. muahahaha that movie is soo awesome. we went to sleep and got up and went to the library so i could get books and circut city and i got the cursive cd. and then we got some jack in the box. after that we went home and i later went to heather to stay the nite because sunday i helped her move to monmouth into her apartment. we went to winco and umm i think thats it. oh yea, her friend megans house. the next day we moved stuff.. it was fun. i already miss you heather!!! dont worry- SATURDAY!!!! yes yes, saturday is the concert. i cant wait. ahhh BRAND NEW!!!! ahhh DASHBOARD!!!! yesssss- ok well im going to get going, tonite is my meeting about going to austrailia. hopefully i can go, that would be so awesome.