Sep 03, 2003 21:26
just a little update. yesterday audrey, jessica and i went to the jamboree. it was a waste of $2.00 cuz all we did was have one of our conversations. our friendship seems to hit alot of pot holes. i wish it wouldnt. i think we would have more fun if we cared less about little things. but we are working on that. i need to stop being so territorial of everything i come in contact with. its really stupid but i cant help it. after the jamboree audreys mommy let us run into high school pharmacy so i could get dividers and i got a cotton candy lip smacker too! oh yea and orange tic tacs. thats all. so i came home finished organizing my homework and then went to sleep by 10:30. wow. and today was a normal day. nothing special. except the three of us ( you know who im talking about im not goig to type out the names all the time) joined the science club. we get to go to the zoo. but... its on the 27th, and thats the day of the dashbard concert. so we'll have to see wut time i need to be in salem! dont ask WHY we joined... cuz we feel really outa place there... its frickin NERD central. but yea what would you expect from a science club... exactly. oh well. it will be fun. i hope. thats all for now.