ameeeerica, ameeerica

Dec 09, 2003 18:08

today i was in absoods class, and during the pledge of alligence i wasnt really caring and then i thought, why do i not salute, this country fucking rocks, and ppl who bitch about the goverment are dumb, we have the only goverment that lets us do shit, at least we're not commies and get shot up for sayign wat we feel. bands that hate america *cough*antiflag*cough* are really dumb cuz if this goverment really was that bad they would already be dead for sayign this short fuck off anti-americans.

i am now jewish...or at least alex and jacob think i am, i dotn know why but im the jew of art class. its all good.

today didt suck, it didnt rock either, i talked to kara and mellisa today wich i havent done in ages because...we just dont talk much, but they are cool.i also got a little note on my packet for modern world tha says "u suck" from the ta, i was liek "thats mean" till i relized who the TA was and then i relized it was a joke, btw i got a 2 outta 90 on that packt so i do suck.

i want a hamster, no a mean one like my old one, a col one, my turtle isnt uzzy there for i cant pet hima dn my dog smells there for i dont let him in my house.

i have ADD*oo paper bag*

if u mean anything in this world u will comment
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