This is, as near as I can figure, a complete list of all the stories I have finished in the past five years. If I were really going to be a diligent archivist of my fannish work, I suppose I should also hunt down the stuff I wrote in the HP fandom-- but I'm not cruel enough to inflict that on anyone reading this journal. There may be some ficlets belonging to various fandoms hidden in the comments of this journal as well; I'm working on finding them all and organizing them on this list as time goes by. Most of my cartoons and doodles should also be listed here as well.
Many, although not all, of my stories can be found on
my AO3 account.
DC Comics Universe
Many Things Were Like SleepSummary: Because no one or nothing can quit once a body gets wind of an eden.
Rating: PG-13 for mild language
Pairing: Tim/Dick
The Easter Bunny (Or, Lies Tim Drake Believed)Summary: Tim doesn't remember when he stopped believing in Santa Claus.
Rating: G
Pairing: none
Breast Side UpRating: R for language and sexual content.
Pairing: Tim/Kon
Summary: Gravity, levity, Kon, Tim, and Mexican soap operas.
And not flyingRating: PG-15 or so.
Pairing: Tim/Dick
Summary: It’s all feathers and dust and falling apart.
How Much String is in the World.
Who Has It.Rating: R-ish to NC-17
Pairing: Tim/Dick
Summary: Day fifty-seven. Nightwing appears discontent with territory. Consumes large quantities of fermented agave root. Does not eat the worm.
The Goddamn Batman is Not Amused.Rating: G
Pairing: None.
Prompt: "I'm Batman. I don't enjoy anything."
Written for
Tib Drake Fibes Cribe and Sabes the World.Prompt: "There was no possibility of taking a walk that day."
Rating: PG.
Pairing: None. Tim/crimefighting.
Written for
Red Sky at MorningNote: This is a fusion of the DC comics-verse and C.S. Forester's Horatio Hornblower novels. It is also likely to be a permanent WiP.
Rating: A light R.
Pairing: Tim/Dick.
Summary: In which the Renown takes on an acrobatic third lieutenant, the captain loses his footing, Wellard looks appropriately cowed, and Lieutenant Timothy Drake knows more than he ought about a variety of subjects.
A chorus line.Rating: G. Except this feels so weirdly wrong that I want to rate it NC-17.
Pairing: Gen? Except not. Whatever. It's Golden Age gen, if that helps.
Summary: Robin took a deep, slow breath, and tried to convince himself that it would be a bad idea to try and feed Batman to the giant dinosaur statue in the Batcave.
Note: Written for
lysythe. Except they're really not at all responsible for the way this turned out. Which is a GOOD thing.
Stargate: Atlantis
Face UpRating: PG-13 for mild language
Pairing: none
Summary: He wants to say, You should see the other guy, but dreams lap over him and he's not sure what the other guy looks like anyway.
I hope you take seriously the suggestion of undressing. (Take one)Note: This is the first draft.
Summary: It had seemed like such a nice little planet-- the kind your mother would like you to date, if your mother were insane and indifferent to the idea of grandchildren.
Rating: R for crack
I hope you take seriously the suggestion of undressing. (Final cut)Note: Final draft of the above story.
Summary: It had seemed like such a nice planet. Steady job, good provider, nice house-- the kind of planet your mother would like you to date, if your mother were insane and indifferent to the idea of grandchildren.
Rating: a light and pleasant R
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
writing is easy
(just open a vein)Rating: PG
Pairing: none
Summary: Some things that should be written down, but often aren't.
Poker night and all its permutationsRating: PG
Pairing: none
Summary: Well, it's not really a story; this is just sort of a stream-of-conscious riff on the whole poker night idea.
Le maillot jauneSummary: So here's the thing: after three weeks of obsessively watching the Tour de France, I've decided that there needs to be an SGA/Tour de France AU. It makes perfect, perfect sense.
Rating: PG
Pairing: none
Lanterne rougeSummary: John got his first bike when he was four and a quarter.
Rating: PG-13 for some suggestive imagery
Pairing: mild McKay/Sheppard
Thank you for flying Church of England.Note: DVD commentary for this story available
Rating: PG-13 for language and exceedingly bad philosophy.
Pairings: none
Summary: There has never, in the history of Time entire, been a True-False exam that didn't have at least one trick question on it.
lip gloss and anarchyRating: G
Pairing: Gen.
Summary: A time-stamp to Thank you for flying Church of England, written for
mific, who wanted to know how John Sheppard incited a group of fourteen year old girls to overthrow a government.
A series of trapdoors.Notes: This is unfinished, and is likely to remain so. But I'm too fond of the idea to throw the whole thing away.
Summary: A highly unfinished and unoriginal (but hopefully amusing) story involving the Adventures of Rodney, Sensitive Guy.
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Rating: R
MetonymySummary: After a few sessions of staring out the window and biting his lip and waving his hand and saying, "Look, it was--," and nothing else, Kate tells him to try writing it down instead.
Rating: PG-13 for language
Pairing: none
Reluctant Poet, part 2Note: This is a continuation from Metonymy.
Summary: No one is going to wind up dead or legless or choking on sand if he's sitting down, freshly showered, with his laptop and a mug of tea and a muffin at the corner table in Laura's coffee shop at eight-thirty every morning.
Rating: PG
Pairing: none
Paint it black.Prompt: An icon which apparently no longer in use. At any rate, I know it was something about John Sheppard....
Rating: G
Pairing: None, although it is forever and always the John and Rodney show.
Written for
RechargePrompt: "Heroes are all very well, but sometimes what you need is a small scruffy man with a flashlight."
Rating: G
Pairing: None.
Written for
John Sheppard, Extremely Relaxed Hostage.Prompt: Happy-looking icon of the SGA cast.
Rating: G
Pairing: None. John/relaxation.
Written for
101 Uses for Spell CheckPrompt: John and Rodney met once when they were young and had sekrit sex. Much later, in Atlantis - John remembers and Rodney doesn't! Can the rugged soldier convince the brilliant blue-eyed physicist that they're meant to be? (courtesy of
Rating: PG for language, which includes the wholesale butchery of English orthography.
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Summary: See above.
Notes: Once upon a time,
svmadelyn ran a BadFic Mini Ficathon. This is my take on the badfic prompt I received.
SGA Comics
Lost City Comics, Part OneSummary: It's not so much a story, you understand-- it's more like a very pathetic comic. Because I was thinking, hey, you know what'd be cool? if someone did a little mini-superhero comic book about Rodney McKay, Man of Relatively Thick Tin, and then I thought, it's too bad I'm not that good of an artist, and then I thought--
Rating: PG
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Lost City Comics, Part TwoSummary: A brief pictoral (sorta) interlude in The Continuing Adventures of Rodney McKay, Comic Book Geek.
Rating: PG
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Scenes from Bat Country
(Subtitle: Elizabeth Doesn't Need to Know About This.)Note: Extremely image-heavy.
Rating: PG-13 for mild language, and suggested cartoon nudity.
Pairing: none
Summary: In which there is wildly uneven art, a series of one-liners, bad handwriting, and much self-indulgence on the part of the author.
Cheer up, emo kid.Summary: Look, it's a doodle story about John Sheppard being emo. It's not exactly deep.
Rating: G
Pairing: This is ridiculous.
To Move a BodyNote: This is the first part of a loose group of five stories, collectively labeled Fixer (or, Ianto Jones Can Do Anything).
Summary: "It's more fun for me," Ianto said, "if I get to do the managing."
Rating: PG
Pairings: Jack/Ianto
A Tree Grows in CardiffNote: This is the second part of Fixer.
Summary: "Better get going, sir," Ianto said. "You've a tree to catch, after all."
Rating: R for language and innuendo.
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Jack Can Make Anything Suggestive. Even Needlepoint. Especially Needlepoint.Prompt: Icon of Jack Harkness carrying a Really Big Gun.
lurkmuch said: "Captain Jack with a phallic object. Go nuts," which just seemed too easy.
Rating: PG, sadly.
Pairing: mild Jack/Ianto.
Written for
A Torchwood Anti-Story Thing, Possibly Called "A solitude of sky."Rating: R, because I swear a lot, even when I'm not writing a proper story.
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Summary: This is nine thousand fucking words worth of a post-Children of Earth Torchwood story outline, where I try to fix the whole Ianto thing without retconning the world. It's an epistolary stream-of-conscious blathery outline thing, people. Nine thousand words of this shit! What the hell was I thinking? And it has been staring angrily at me from my Google docs for, like, almost two years. It is time to release it into the wild. (Perpetual WiP, if you hadn't guessed.)
GuildNote: Written for
Rating: G
Pairing: slight Arthur/Merlin, Gwen/Morgana
Summary: It's not art. It's not even close.
Germ TheoryNote: Written for
Rating: PG for language
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Summary: "If I were stupid enough to ask how you were feeling today," Merlin wondered aloud as he changed Arthur's sweat-dampened sheets, "would you actually tell me, or would you just grunt something incomprehensible in my general direction?"
ConcussionRating: PG
Pairing: Gen, which in Merlin-speak means that Arthur and Merlin are making out off-stage.
Summary: Head injuries are problematic.
Inception Fiction
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossedRating: R for language and sexuality.
Pairing: Ariadne/Arthur
Summary: Everybody knows that the dice are loaded.
Making passesRating: G
Pairing: Arthur/Ariadne
Summary: A time-stamp ficlet to Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed, written for
bennet_7, who wanted to know why Arthur asked if Ariadne was sleeping with Cobb.
information is the currencyRating: PG for language
Pairing: Arthur/Ariadne
Summary: A time-stamp ficlet to Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed, written for
snakeling, who wanted to know about Laurel's reaction after she finds out that Ariadne does call Airport Guy.
We're going to need a bigger kick.Rating: G
Pairing: Gen.
Summary: In which there are sharks, and Arthur blames Steven Spielberg.
Notes: Written for
frenchroast because she had a Shark Week icon.
The profoundest factRating: R for language and descriptions of violence.
Pairing: Arthur/Ariadne
Summary: Jobs go badly, sometimes. Just usually not when Arthur's planned them.
Los desaparecidosRating: PG
Pairing: offscreen Arthur/Ariadne
Summary: Time-stamp ficlet to The profoundest fact, written for
metonymy, who wanted to know about Ariadne's reaction when Cobb calls to tell her about Arthur.
Words and stonesRating: R for language, descriptions of violence, and sexuality.
Pairing: Arthur/Ariadne
Summary: The problem with the past is that it never quite lets go of the present.
Notes: This is a sequel to The profoundest fact, and is an active WiP.
White Collar
up-stage, down-stageRating: G
Pairing: Peter/Elizabeth, Peter/Neal/Elizabeth if you squint.
Summary: In which Diana runs the show, Neal forgets his lines, and Peter doesn't know when to leave the stage.
Notes: written for
wpadmirer Flamber (verb, French)Rating: PG-13 for some language.
Pairing: Peter/Elizabeth, Peter/Neal/Elizabeth
Summary: Flamber. (verb, French) To spend not only the money one has, but also the money one hasn't.
Notes: This one is likely to be a perpetual WiP.
Sherlock BBC Fiction
The ObviousRating: PG
Pairing: Gen, which means it's secretly John/Sherlock.
Summary: Sherlock, when he was bored, was likely to do one of the following: steal John's phone, lurk in the bowels of St. Bart's and pester the med techs to lend him body parts, steal John's revolver, cook up foul-smelling concoctions on the stove and then leave the results to putrefy, steal John's laptop, skewer a pig's carcass into the cushion's of John's armchair with a bayonet, or flop dramatically onto the settee and glare at the ceiling. Sometimes, if the boredom were especially bad, he would do all at once.
Notes: Written for
Original Cartoons and Doodles
Things that are (Marginally) Worse than Grad SchoolDoes what it says on the tin.
The Son of "Things that are (Marginally) Worse than Grad School"Cotillion is totally worse than grad school. So are zombie hordes.
Assorted SketchesIncludes: commentary on stupidly expensive organic milk, the politics of recalling library books, a deep historical understanding of early American industrialism, and an attempt at making SGA into a film noir.
This is What Happens When You Make Me TA for a Class about Industrialism in MichiganDude, everybody doodles in class. I just own up to it.
Carol's Adventures in ComicsIn which I buy my first comic book, and think about super powers.
Notes and doodles from sophomore year Anthro class on the origin of humansBecause you desperately needed to know about prosimians and their post-orbital bars.
Field notes and doodles from my Great American RoadtripIn which I try to illustrate some of the more iconic images of the American West, and fail.