[masterpost] scifiland big bang challenge :: 25 october 2010

Oct 25, 2010 23:09

This is the master post for all the various projects that I've been working on for scifiland's Big Bang challenge.

Once again, I'm getting this in under the wire, but for once I have a bit more than a full hour to go! This is an improvement for me.

Somewhere between stressful and therapeutic, doing this was a big chunk of time during the horrible homework season during my semester, but I'm quite pleased to have actually finished it.

25% of the 100 points I had to obtain were obtained by doing 25 of the 100 icons for a scifi100 table. I fully intend to finish this table but by its own due-date, rather than by this Big Bang's due date (obviously) because I really wanted to do something besides 100 icons.

Another 35 points of my Big Bang is a video which has been edited into the video challenge. I have a post on this journal ( someinspired ), but that post will remain friends locked until after voting is completed. This is to prove to anyone who hasn't put my video with my identity together who's checking the Big Bangs or whatever that I have done it, but I don't want to cause a problem with judging/anonymity.

However, if you're dying to find out, or just like any of my work, I'd really appreciate you friending this journal!

So, without further ado:

clockwork_sky's Big Bang

25 Points: Icons

Original/Master Post

**There are a couple of alternates, too. I made every attempt to not cheat by counting icons that were too similar as more than one toward my ultimate goal, but sometimes I couldn't decide.

Here are the ones completed as of turning in the challenge:

35 Points: Fanvid

Post including Youtube and Download Link. F-locked until after voting.

20 Points: Fanmix

Fanmix: Two Less Lonely People (Tosh/Owen) (Torchwood)

(Lyrics and download link, etc. at original post)

20 Points: Picspam - Sally Sparrow - Doctor Who (Blink 3x10)

41 caps. Rather large and unwieldy, but I was pleased. Follow the link to see! :)



.fandom: torchwood, .fandom: doctor who, tv: torchwood, .media type: fanmix, character: sally sparrow, tv: doctor who, character: owen harper, .media type: picspam, .media type: icons, character: toshiko sato

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