Days 13 and 14, plus me squeeing all over H50

Feb 14, 2011 23:42

Favorite reminder that John is SMART:

It's actually right off the bat, in Rising, when they're talking about going after Sumner and Teyla and the others. Rodney asks him, all sarcastic, "Do you know how many combinations there are?" and John, without even blinking, says "720." And even Rodney's taken a little aback.

Favorite scene where all you could do was stare at John’s pants:

Oh, pretty much scenes where he's wearing pants, all of them. But maybe especially here, in The Defiant One:

And in the same episode when he's all crawling around in the sand. Yeah.

Master list of cracky questions

And here's where I'm going to squee about H50 tonight, so skip if you don't care/don't want to be spoiled if you haven't seen it. Warnings include spoilers for this week, possibly next week (from the mini trailer at the end there) and probably making less sense than I think I do.

AHHH I fall in love with this show more and more every time I see it, which is often, because I have several on the DVR and like to rewatch them. But today, today my squee began with Steve and Danno pushing the car up the road and them bickering about it, which just made me giggle, and then my stepdad looks at them and scrunches his face up and goes, "What are they, married?" And I burst out laughing, because seriously, guys, you don't understand how funny it is for him to pick up on that and say it out loud. Trust me, it's hilarious.

And then the thing with the pawn shop guy had me laughing again, because I so love the way the two of them work together, with the cranky cop/insane cop thing. It's truly hilarious to behold, I swear it, and I am loving every second of it. I love when the guy calls Steve the more rational one and Danny just laughs, and then Steve goes and gets a grenade OUT OF THE CAR, which dude, is a bad place to just keep a grenade - that shit rattles around, yo - but hey, this is Super Steve we're talking about, so of course he has a grenade. And then he sets it off and makes sure Danny gets out safe and they huddle down, and then the bomb goes off, and Danny's "This was avoidable" was just perfect.

And at the end, when Steve chases that dude down and vaults through the window and then onto the tram, and then three seconds later bam bad guy is dead, I love Super Steve, that's all.

And then, for your weekly does of Kono > You, there was that scene where she leapt off one escalator onto another to take that guy down, and then just rode him back up the escalator easy as you please. I'm thinking Kono > You needs to be a thing. Is there a Kono > You tumblr or something? There totally should be, because, well, Kono > You. (I fully, totally include myself in 'You' there, just so y'all know.)

And any episode with Kamekona in it is a good one by me. That guy makes me happy for reasons I cannot even begin to explain to myself.

And, holy shit holy shit, did you see the promo for next week, it's a Gracie ep! (Daddy!Danno makes me happy...) And Danny's brother is Dane Cook, AHHHHH. I'm doing the flaily hands of glee thing over here, and that high pitched sound you hear is me.

So yes. This week, in recap: Steve and Danno bicker like a married couple (again), Steve carries grenades around 'cause those are fun, and Kono > You. Check and mate, brah.

And I signed up for the h50novelbang today, so that's happening too. :D

meta, 30days, five-0

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