a new meme! just what I needed!

Jan 06, 2011 23:12

Saw this in gottalovev's journal and thought it looked pretty much awesome!

The Rules (as such):
-Make a list of your five favorite acts/kinks to read about. (There's a list if you're interested.) Put the shows and pairings you like below that. Post it in your journal and put the link to your post here.
-Find prompts you want to write on the Master List (yours will appear there, as well, so long as you put the link to it in the right post).
-Fill them! It's a comment-fic idea.

Other people will find your list and prompts and pairings and write little ficcies for you, too :D

1. Dirty talk. From either position, really, top or bottom.
2. First time. With that partner, with someone of that gender, trying a new thing, at all.
3. Flirting/innuendo. Because it's fun.
4. Good guy/bad boy. What a fun dynamic :D
5. Rough sex. Yes.

In alphabetical order!
Bones: Wendell/Booth, Zack/Booth
Farscape: John/Aeryn
NCIS: Tony/Tim, Tony/Ziva
Sanctuary: Henry/Nikola, Nikola/Helen, Nikola/Druitt, Will/Kali
Stargate: John/Cam, John/Evan, Cam/Evan, Evan/David, Daniel/Vala (OMG Stargate het.)

Crossovers: Evan/Nikola, Evan/Nikola/David

Fandoms: Bones, Farscape, NCIS, Sanctuary, Stargate, some crossovers.

If you decide to do it too, leave me a comment and I'll meander over to yours and see if I can write you something :D

meme, drabble

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