Chain Of Command (1/1)

Oct 08, 2010 00:33

Title: Chain Of Command
Author: somehowunbroken
Fandom: SGA/SG1
Characters: John/Evan/Cam
Word Count: 3,125
Rating: NC-17/porn in a big way
Notes: For theeverdream because she proofreads a lot of stuff for me and I said I'd write her fic, so, porn! And many many thanks to clwilson2006 because she proofread this, making sure that my typo-tastic-ness didn't get in the way of the story, and ( Read more... )

john/evan/cam, rating: nc-17, stargate

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mackenziesmomma October 8 2010, 06:25:16 UTC
Oh dear *fans self* *fans self more* *breaks out the wind machine*

I think I may need to take a cold shower now....



somehowunbroken October 8 2010, 06:30:44 UTC
Mission accomplished. :D Glad you liked it!


mackenziesmomma October 8 2010, 22:35:57 UTC
I loved it. It also reminded me of something and now I can't remember for the life of me what it was/is.

Oh and if you'll excuse me I need to go post pictures of me and a certain adorable man who plays a kick butt awesome Czech scientist ;)


somehowunbroken October 8 2010, 22:38:40 UTC
Oh mercy, if this reminded you of something, I'd love to know what. *grin*

You have pics of you and David Nykl?!?!? I'm... pretty much making fangirly squealy noises over here. That's awesome! :D


mackenziesmomma October 8 2010, 22:42:23 UTC
I'll try to come up with it later ;)

Yes I have *several* (okay its 2.) pictures of me and David Nykl. They are now residing over in my journal, but I F-locked the post because one of my roomies was a little sensitive about the photos.


somehowunbroken October 8 2010, 22:48:52 UTC
I'm so full of glee for you that I can't stand it.

I pretty much love David Nykl. :)


mackenziesmomma October 8 2010, 22:51:54 UTC
So this wouldn't be a good time to mention that i got to spend an hour and a half drinking with him? :)


somehowunbroken October 8 2010, 22:59:45 UTC


Oh, tell me he's as awesome in person as he seems.


mackenziesmomma October 8 2010, 23:02:53 UTC
He's just as awesome if not more so in person as he seems. You could add my journal so you could see the awesome photos of him from last weekend ;) (and also me looking like a complete dork)


somehowunbroken October 8 2010, 23:10:28 UTC
Oh! We're already friends! There's me, paying attention. :)

He's. So. Cool. :D


mackenziesmomma October 8 2010, 23:13:35 UTC
And obviously I'm in the observant boat too ;)

(if you could ask David N a question what would you ask him?)


somehowunbroken October 8 2010, 23:49:46 UTC
Hm. I'd probably ask something slightly sarcastic, like "What was it like, playing Zelenka as second fiddle to Rodney, when he's easily just as smart?"

Also, "Was it as much fun as it looks like it was?" Because I know it's hard work but a lot of his stuff, especially the interchanges between him and Hewlett, looked like the most fun you could hope for. :)

...that's two. Crap. Sorry.


mackenziesmomma October 9 2010, 02:07:27 UTC
Those are good questions. I'll have to note them down in case an opportunity I'm working actually comes through ;)

also those are *so* much better than the question that I asked Kavan (and answered for him) the first (and only) time I saw him. That was:

"'re known for playing a lot of 'that dead guy' characters, which was your favorite and why?"


somehowunbroken October 9 2010, 02:10:58 UTC
Oh, do keep me posted on that. It sounds quite interesting. :)

And that's an awesome question for Kavan, haha!


mackenziesmomma October 9 2010, 02:13:26 UTC
I will keep you posted.

And yeah, that question nearly ended up in him killing me. (Because seriously? That man should NEVER use the word 'orgasm' in a sentence. Ever.)


somehowunbroken October 9 2010, 02:15:52 UTC
What what what now?

I would.. die, yeah. Holy.


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