
Jan 29, 2012 20:11

1. There's now a comm called bucky_kink. You already know whether or not that's relevant to your interests, but I thought I'd make it known. It seems small. LET'S CHANGE THAT.

2. I did a massive flist purge of comms today. I feel lighter, somehow, though I wish they'd go off the list in my "manage friends" things. I still have posting access, even though I un-joined the comm, I guess - it still follows me, even though I don't follow it, so it's still there. This bothers me more than it should, I suppose. I'll deal.

3. ALCATRAZ. G and I watched the first few episodes this afternoon, and we're both entirely hooked. I want fic where Rebecca and Diego are the best platonic cuddlebuddies ever, because wow. that's a tough job for a civilian, and Rebecca's got all these revelations about her grandfather, and just. Guys. Watch this show.

4. Party was a success! The two most awesome things we made were definitely the buffalo chicken wing cupcakes (even though the chicken wings dwarfed said cupcakes) and the volleyball cake (don't mind the crap in the background, it's a pic from before we got the table cleared off). And I have leftover chili and nachos, which is awesome.

5. I'm in the middle of writing at least five stories right now, and I can't seem to finish any of them. I'm feeling pressured about it, because I know at least two of them are things that I've told people about and they've told me they're looking forward to them, but I just... can't. I have no idea why, and I'm working on them, but they're just not really ending like I want. I've put a few of them aside for now and am trying to get some other things done instead. I'm hoping I can get back to things as normal soon, but we shall see.

6. One week til the Superbowl, guys. I can't even being to tell you how excited life is in my house right now. My whole family is a rabid horde of Giants fans, and they're mostly rabidly anti_patriots on a good day, so. It should be interesting.

7. G and I are tasked with making a football-shaped cake for our parents to take to a Superbowl party next week (from which they will be returning before the game starts, because my stepdad doesn't want to swear at someone else's television, apparently). I will attempt to take pictures.

I think that's all the things. :)

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random life choices, rl

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