Mud (1/1)

Apr 24, 2011 23:49

Title: Mud
Author: somehowunbroken 
Fandom: SGA
Characters: Evan/David
Word Count: 1,152
Rating: NC-17
Notes: For fififolle, who bought me in the help_nz auction and asked for Lorne/Parrish, shower sex. I hope you like it, dear! Thanks to clwilson2006 for reading it through.

There’s mud.

There is mud everywhere, around them and all over them and in places that Evan doesn’t want to think about, to be perfectly honest. Freak rainstorms will do that, though, and in that honesty vein, Evan doesn’t mind it as much as he could.

Because he’s not the only muddy one. David had been the first to fall down an embankment of sorts - a slow, graceful tumble if Evan’s ever seen one, and really, how does David manage to fall like he meant to when Evan crashes after him like a rock - and by the time they both reach the bottom, David’s flat out on his back in a puddle of the stuff, laughing at the sky.

“Mud,” he says almost gleefully, spreading his hands and sinking them down into the stuff. “I haven’t been this covered in mud since my second year in undergrad.”

“I haven’t been this covered in mud since I was eight,” Evan replies. “What the hell did you get up to in college, huh?” He elbows David, grinning. “Mud wrestling?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know,” David replies, sounding prim and proper for all of maybe five seconds before he laughs again. “Greenhouse D flooded after one of the wall panels broke during a hurricane. Cleanup was… messy.” He sits up and grins at Evan. There’s mud streaked across his face, swirling up into his hair, and there’s dirty water dripping from his nose.

“You look ridiculous,” Evan says, but he can hear the tone of his own voice, and he knows David hears I’m glad you’re mine.

“So do you,” David says in that same tone, and Evan knows he’s saying right back at you.

“Come on,” Evan says as he hauls himself out of the mud pit and shakes the worst of it off. “There should be some sort of river or spring around here somewhere, something we can use to get the worst of it off.”

What they find is a clear pool of water, not too deep, backed by a sheer cliff face. It’s hidden behind some pretty intense vegetation, and it’s only David’s insistence that those particular plants would only thrive like that with a ready water source nearby that led them to it. Right now, Evan’s pretty sure he’s never been more grateful for David’s botanical knowledge, and that includes the time the scientist recognized and kept Evan from eating that weird aphrodisiac plum thing two months ago.

Evan’s pretty sure that the water falling from the cliff face above isn’t a normal feature; the rain that caused the flooding and mudslides probably also produced the spring that’s now spilling over into the water below. It’s beautiful, breathtaking, and for a moment Evan’s itching to paint it, to sketch it, anything.

Then his leg twitches and he’s just itching, because there’s still mud pretty much everywhere.

“Perfect,” David pronounces, and when Evan glances over, David’s already stripping out of his mud-soaked clothes, right down to his boxers. He kneels by the edge of the pool and dips his shirt in, rubbing it around vigorously.

Evan is pretty caught up with watching how David’s back works, how the muscles that stay hidden by his shirt bunch and ripple as he works the shirt around. He’s entirely unprepared when David speaks. “You’re pretty dirty too, Evan. Gonna clean up?” He pauses and shoots Evan a grin over his shoulder. “Don’t deprive me of the view.”

Evan hurries to strip his own disgusting clothing off and kneels next to David, dumping his clothing in the water. After a while, the mud comes out as well as it’s going to without soap, so they lay their clothing in a sunny patch of grass to dry. The water’s warm but not hot, so it’s comfortable enough to slip in and scrub at the dried-on dirt that seems to be all over both of them, and to swim over to the waterfall that’s easy enough to use as a shower.

“There’s a little-“ Evan hears as he’s got his eyes closed, face turned towards the water pouring down, and then David’s thumb is swiping across his chest, a quick brush of his hand to rub the mud away. Evan automatically leans into the touch, grabbing for David’s wrist as he pulls his hand back, opening his eyes as he ducks out of the waterfall.

“You’ve got a little,” Evan replies, dragging his hand deliberately down David’s chest, where he’s already cleaned off all the mud. David lets out a heavy breath.

“There’s some,” David says in turn, stepping closer and cradling Evan’s head in his hands, dipping his head back beneath the waterfall and running his long fingers through Evan’s hair again and again. Evan moans and grips David’s hips, drawing them together as he closes his eyes beneath the spray.

Suddenly David’s mouth is on Evan’s chest, sucking breathless little marks into his skin, and Evan shifts so his thigh slides between David’s. David blows out a breath as he laps at Evan’s stomach, right where the water meets his skin, dipping his face into the pool to nip at Evan’s hip. When he lifts his head back up, his hair is plastered to his face, and there’s water running in rivulets down his cheeks.

Evan pulls him in and kisses him, licks the water from David’s face, moves a hand between them to grasp at David’s cock. David murmurs something and thrusts his hips a little.

“C’mon,” Evan says, low in his throat. “Move with me here, David.”

And David does, thrusting his hips forward so his cock just brushes the jut of Evan’s hip, moaning as Evan twists his wrist. He moves again and again, until he’s not so much moaning as letting out little gasps of air, his forehead resting on Evan’s as he trembles and comes.

David’s eyes are still wide and dark when he opens them and meets Evan’s, and his grin is one that Evan loves, one that he knows only he gets to see - sleepy, sated, generally content with everything. The smile stays on his face as he pulls Evan in to nestle right against his body, pushing his thigh against Evan’s cock.

Evan pulls in a breath and pushes forward, holding on to David just as tightly as David’s holding on to him, rocking into his partner until he’s on the edge, so close. He looks up and meets David’s eyes, sees that look on David’s face, and then he’s gasping and shuddering through his own release.

They stumble their way through the pool and haul themselves out at the edge, spreading out in the grass near their clothes. Evan drifts for a little while, warmed by the sun, hand clasped in David’s as his partner beams at him, and Evan decides that it’s been a good afternoon.

He certainly wouldn’t mind repeating it, mud and all.

evan/david, rating: nc-17, stargate, charity

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