this is one of those things that sounded better in my head than it does written out

Apr 13, 2011 01:42

Okay, so.

Some of you probably saw it, some of you probably didn't; there was a thing kicking around a week or so ago (I'M SLOW, I FAIL, I'M SORRY) where you got seven actors/actresses and made a show around them. leupagus was kind enough to provide me with my seven names; in turn, I made them do exactly as I wanted, namely making Ben Browder speak with his actual Southern drawl while Alex O'Loughlin uses his actual Australian accent. GO ME.

I give you "Nashville", which sounded a lot less like a soap opera in my head, but here you have it anyway:

"Nashville" (yes, I know, it's been used before, please ignore that fact)
"Nashville" follows two families living in the town of Nashville, North Carolina. The Bryants are one of the founding families of the town; they claim to be able to trace their roots back to Francis Nash himself, not that anyone has dared to ask it of them. They fancy themselves the high society of the town; most roll their eyes at that. The Clemsens are just as deeply rooted in the town as the Bryants; they've always lived up near the highway, where they operate the fill station. The two families have some dark secrets in their pasts - secrets that bring them together, for all they try to avoid each other, secrets that they've sworn to keep hidden. It all threatens to come crashing down around them when Nate Garrin moves into town, and things might never be the same again.

Sherrie Bryant (Lesley Ann Warren)

Sherrie, the matriarch of the Bryant clan, has made some mistakes in her life. She's fought her way back from most of them, and nobody would ever say that Sherrie's a quitter; in fact, most would probably tell you that she takes things a little too far in the other direction. Sherrie is fiercely devoted to her son, Morgan, and his daughter, Cassie, and will do pretty much anything to protect them from the family secret. She sees the whole mess as her responsibility, if not her fault.

Morgan Bryant (Ben Browder)

Morgan has a laid-back attitude, an easy kind of charm, and a protective streak towards his mother and daughter that borders on chauvinistic. He manages the general store for old Mr. Petersen and has for years; he's hard-working and good at what he does. He figured out what his mother's been hiding from him years ago, and he's trying to keep her from finding out that he knows (while trying to fix what he can) as much as he's trying to protect his own daughter from the knowledge. He always has an extra-wide smile for Lisa Clemsen, which pisses her off for reasons nobody can quite discern.

Cassie Bryant (Danielle Fishel)

Even if she doesn't know what it is, Cassie knows that something weird is going on between her family and the Clemsens; it's been going on since she was a kid. Cassie's always been smart, good at figuring things out, which is why her father had hoped she'd get out, go to college, probably never come back to Nashville. She's landed back home now, though, and she's determined to stay and fix things before they get worse.

Jack Clemsen (Keith David)

Jack is the owner and sole employee of Race's Auto; nobody knows who Race was or why he'd left the station, but it's Jack's now, and he's known in Nashville and the surrounding counties as the go-to guy for fixing cars and decently-priced gas. He's the friendly, open type, but people who try to get more than casual conversation out of him tend to be disappointed. Jack sees no reason to keep the details of the family's troubles with the Bryants a secret from the rest of his family, but nobody else can get a peep out of him.

Lisa Clemsen (Grace Park)

Lisa was married to Jack's younger brother, Dean, for exactly fifteen days nearly twenty years ago. That was before Dean up and left Nashville, before he abandoned his family, before he disappeared pretty completely. Lisa stuck around at Jack's out of shock at first; she found work pretty quickly, though, and stayed to help Jack raise his son. She has a pretty long-standing hatred of Morgan Bryant, for reasons that aren't abundantly clear.

Ryan Clemsen (Donald Glover)

Ryan is no stranger to his family's issues with the Bryants; he's heard about it ever since he can remember. His father and his aunt are the center of his world - his mother died when he was barely five, and his uncle ran off not too long after. He'd do anything for them - which is why he hides his friendship with Cassie Bryant from them, and why, when things start to turn more serious between Cassie and himself, Ryan knows he has to do something about the secrets that are threatening to overwhelm everyone involved.

Nate Garrin (Alex O'Loughlin)

Nate is a journalist - or he, more accurately, he was, back in Australia. Now, he's a self-described wanderer and jack-of-all-trades, travelling around to find answers to questions he isn't sure he even knows. He ends up in Nashville by chance; his car breaks down a few miles out, and by the time Jack Clemsen fixes it up, Nate has a place to stay and a job to do. He can't knock his innate investigative streak, though, so when he notices the tension between the two families he can't help but dig, even though he can sense that he might be biting off more than he can chew.


Also, if you want to play, I will give you people, just let me know.

i don't even know what to tag this, meme

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