Title: The Dane, The Wolf, The Hound
lackadaisyCharacters/Pairing: Sam/Dean, Bobby, OFC
Genre: Romance/Humor
Rating: G
Wordcount: 100
Summary: Aptly fitting, like a hole in the head. Cliches are marvelously resilient. Oh, and witches never stop finding the humor in messing with our boys. Drabble.
Sam thinks it is overwhelmingly cliché and simultaneously fitting that Dean ended up a wolf. Of course, Sam finds no humor at all in the fact that he, himself was turned into a Great Dane. Rather, Sam is barking angrily and tripping over himself like he did when all his limbs suddenly went on for miles when he hit his growth spurt in high school. Dean will gloat to him later about out of the two of them, he came out taller. They nearly forget about Bobby all together until a bloodhound shows up, looking at them like they're morons.
Contrary to popular belief, animals don't magically understand each other, and barking doesn't suddenly turn into English when you're officially a dog. It's all body language. Walking is one challenge, finding help is another. They follow Bobby's lead. They assume it's Bobby. Who else could emit that rough and tumble aura of respect and omnipotence other than their surrogate father? Sam the Great Dane thinks that Dean the Grey Wolf's haunches are rather alluring. Licking Dean's snout seemed like a good idea until he gets a look that says, 'What the hell are you doing?' Then there's the dog catchers.
Sam thinks Dean gave that poor bastard rabies. He wishes he could tell Dean he thinks rabies is herpes of the mouth. Except that sounds stupid. Bobby is taking them somewhere good, he's sure. Bobby knows everyone and everything. He has to have a friend around here. Sam nudges at Dean with his bulky snout, bored with this endless loping along after a bloodhound they're hoping is really Bobby Singer. Dean snorts at him and nudges back, speeding up. Sam reads that as a challenge, though he thinks maybe he should read it as a 'fuck off.' Sam's not smart.
They outpace Bobby. He tracks them down with his bloodhound nose, chews them out in ceaseless barking. Then he snaps his jowls at them and they're off again. He leads them to a squished in house, tall and narrow in a line of others like it. The lady on the porch looks at Bobby and greets him by name. She asks who his friends are. She kneels down and shakes paws with them, like this is normal.
“My name's Bethany, I'm a psychic, Bobby's a good friend of mine,” she says, and that explains everything. Bobby does know everyone.
Bethany asks the hunter community if anyone knows a good witch who could reverse the spell on them. There is one, though she's not used to traveling. She lives up north somewhere where it's too cold for Dean's tastes. He tries to get Bethany's attention, thinking as loud as he can. He asks her to try to find his car and bring it to her house. She obliges him, tells them they can stay there long as they all figure out how to use one of her toilets. Sam is bent low, his butt in the air, barking at Dean.
Bobby got fed up with their antics, and climbed the stairs, leaving them to their own devices. After several minutes of dog on wolf wrestling and play fighting, Dean felt like maybe his wolf mind was taking over. That was all that could explain this. Sam bent over beneath him, his wolfish arms holding tightly just in front of his rib cage, as he thrust into him. He didn't think dogs had sex for pleasure. If they didn't, he wondered why. This felt amazing. Sam was howling, and something told Dean to bite at his neck, make him shut up.