Title: Your lane is ending, merge left
lackadaisyCharacter(s)/Pairing: Adam, Castiel, Dean
Genre: Gen
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 329
Summary: It all finally makes sense. Adam is happy. Until he realizes he's missed a whole week's worth of university classes.
Adam could hear his oldest brother demanding explanations, and swearing, and generally making a lot of unnecessary pandemonium. He wasn't really paying too much attention, his Dad was alright, in one piece, and it all finally made sense now. His Dad wrapped his arms and wings around him, holding him close. He knew, though, that their wings were hidden from his brothers' sight, to avoid harming them. But Adam could see them, and feel them, and it returned him to his younger years. After bad dreams, he lay in his father's arms, lying on one wing, hands in the feathers. It calmed him as well as his grandfather's assurances.
“So you're tellin' me, that you were just fine this past week and you worried the hell outta me and this younger brother that you could have told me about, for no reason-”
“Dean, I could not have told you, it would have disrupted the time line too much, and as it stands, I had to wait until the exact moment to merge my two selves together, it wasn't exactly pleasant for me, either,” Castiel interrupted, and Adam smiled against his chest.
Adam withdrew from his Dad's arms and allowed him to approach Dean. His older brother looked like he still wanted to protest but settled when Castiel raised one hand and said, 'maybe this will help'. He pressed two fingers to Dean's forehead, and a moment later, Dean was looking at him differently. There was relief there, and happiness, and then suddenly his brother was holding him so tightly it was almost painful.
“Thank you, Cas, thank you so much,” Dean gruffed, his voice wet and grateful.
Adam glanced over his brother's shoulder at his father and merely shrugged, grinning. His family was as safe as it was going to be, and now everyone knew everything. As Dean was finally, self-consciously drawing back, Adam realized something.
“Dad! I've missed a whole week's worth of classes!”