WTF: This place

Jun 02, 2011 07:36

The terrible leadership and poor decisionmaking is really getting olddddddddd.

So power in this lovely African country is so unreliable that they decided to buy a really shitty generator to power the place where all of the self-important people work. They serve food there in the middle of the night for us. I don't eat it, because it's just as bad as the rest of the food. THAT SAID, instead of the military guy in charge of it turning the generator on/off for preparation/nasty food time, it has become my job.

AND Now I'm supposed to check at 0555 in the morning to make sure the power is on in that building (a 1/3 mile walk for me) so that the people that work there have power when they get in. Because, you know, turning it on and turning a big switch is too "work related" for the NCOs and Officers that work there. AND ALSO, if anyone on night shift wants to watch TV in there, I have to walk over and take care of it then, also.

And when it doesn't work I'm asked what I've done to troubleshoot/repair it.

And of course this makes sense, because my job is to build and maintain the network. I mean, generators are just like domain controllers, right? Exhange server, maybe? Right.......
I'd like to find a terrorist and tell him that generator is really important. It's not, but having it blown up would make my life easier. I have started just leaving it on in hopes it will just break.

It's not my fault they decided not to bring in a generator guy for night shift because they felt like using that manpower authorization for yet another management position. Because I mean, we don't need people to do the work, just people to supervise.

"So as it turns out, unless you're a young child or a prison inmate, you don't need anyone supervising you. People just come in and do their work on their schedule. Imagine that. People like us allowed to sell paper. Unsupervised. And yet, somehow it works. It must be because the stakes are so high." -Jim Halpert, The Office

And everyone else is just douchey. And every time a web page won't load they automatically come running to me. It's like calling your internet service provided every time a page doesn't load. WTF people. Sometimes websites are just down and it is the website owner's fault. I wouldn't care if they didn't come in all angry like I blocked the site just to piss them off.

I won't even go in to detail about the civilian contractors makign six figures (being allowed to quit at any time) that complain because they are here for a year.
GO.FUCK.YOURSELVES. I don't care if you don't get to watch television in your work area. It's not my job to care, and even if it was I wouldn't help you.

I guess I did go in to some detail. But not on the important things.

I like the job. I just fucking hate the customers.

Roughly a month left. yay.
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