(((OOC: Following the events of
this post, which Eyes mistakenly believes the interplanar lady vampire is responsible for.)))
[there's a faint hoarseness to Eyes' voice. An odd wheezing edge, though he seems mostly composed, and even calm as he speaks, though a trifle cold and curt in his intonations--moreso than usual.]
I ask nothing of the motivation behind your bit of fun earlier this evening--whether joy, testing of my character, or otherwise, Lady Mortevus.
But should you wish to send your supernatural, vanishing creatures after me, I do ask that you leave the guests of my house out of it, or I will be very angry, indeed.
I will also note, that if my services rendered have been in any way ill-performed, it's considered courteous in this realm, to talk of it, first, even in cases of otherwise mortal rudeness.
Should you wish to contact me on the subject, I will be available later, after I attend to something pressing which has come to my attention.
[There's a deft click, and the transmission ends.]