it's a festivus for the rest of us

Dec 23, 2004 20:07

so happy festivus ladies and germs. i hope each of your lives are blessed with many festivus miracles.

now that we got that out of the way, i think it may be time for a real update. things have been crazygonuts (props to patty) for the past few weeks with exams, and the beginning of vacation, and the plethora of christmas shopping, that i've just been updating my journal with surveys or questionnaires.

there is only 2 days until christmas. and ive never felt so blah in my life. is there any reason at all that the past couple christmas' have been kind of a let down? i dont mean it like i dont get a present i want cuz thats superficial and we should all be grateful for the stuff we have that no amount of money can buy, becuz in that case, im very fortunate. but the excitement that was associated with christmas has faded in the past few years and that sucks so much. i really am trying to get into the christmas mood. its funny how theres a mood associated with christmas, but nonetheless i want to be in that mood. its so strange how we all wanna grow up so quickly, but when were there, were all wishing we were young again.

im done complaining/bitching/whining for now. but its really made me think about everything in general.

last night was awesome. well not really. but it was pretty chill to see everyone around christmas. and plus, im home for another 4 weeks, thats plenty of time to hang out.

its pouring out. if it was like 20 degrees cooler, this would all be snow :).

so in case i dont update for real in the next few days (which i wont, i found a cool survey in patty's journal that i wanna try...expect that in the next few minutes) i hope everyone has a merry christmas. remember, its really not about the oh so special presents you get, but moreso the people you get them from who are oh so special. :)
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