Apr 30, 2007 21:59
this time of year is my favorite. i say that now, although i'm certain that i'll say it again before the year has come full circle. but transition fascinates me... particularly the seasonal kind. enter the real heat of summer... until about 8 o'clock in the evening... at which point you should be driving with your windows down, preferably with the oldies station cranked up. i LOVE those moments. it makes me feel like i'm in a movie, in the dramatic-though-quiet self-realization/actualization scene when the hero is driving down the road by herself. i have no realization/actualization to report, but the moment is exhilarating, and it lends hope.
i bought a shirt at marshall's yesterday, one of those emo see-through tee screenprint kinda things. i don't really remember what the front says, but scrawled across one of the shoulder blades on the back are the words infinite hope. and that's basically why i bought the shirt. that in itself is so beautiful. the phrase characterizes life, as i know it. because quite frankly, the world is confusing and can really suck. and while that has its effect on me, it doesn't dominate my life because i hope for more: for wisdom, for peace, for understanding, for gracious provision. and that's why life is worth living--because there is hope. that's why i can carry on without all of life's questions answered to the t--because there is hope. that's why waiting without patience is doable--because there is hope.
i don't really like waiting, but i've recognized that as my lot in life right now. and i can deal with that. movies are not all moments of self-realization/actualization. most of it is the waiting and building toward the moment. and i guess that's perhaps one way in which they might be considered remotely accurate.
i'm done now. i don't know if any of that was followable at all. but i typed it, and now i'm done. and i'm tired.