adorable fluffy fic.

Sep 21, 2006 00:09

Title: Don't Panic
Rating: G
Genre: I killed UO with sweet fluff.
Pairing: Hei/Ed
Warnings/Notes: Sort of a response to this fic.  Alfons peering over my shoulder OOCly was immediately annoyed with the idea that he had to 'put up' with anything from Edward.  This is his own little IC cure to that silly notion.
Word Count: 453

“We live in a beautiful world,
Yeah we do, yeah we do,
We live in a beautiful world.
Oh, all that I know,
There's nothing here to run from,
’Cause yeah, everybody here's got somebody to lean on."

- “Don’t Panic,” Coldplay

Evenings presented a time of peace for Alfons, a peace he liked to fill with books.  As a child he’d been the quiet, geeky sort who buried himself in the local library.  Nothing had actually changed as he aged, he’d only gotten taller and learned to occasionally function socially without giving the immediate impression he was a dork.


The fact was, he didn’t like to be left alone, not even as an awkward child who didn’t like to speak up; he always yearned for company if not conversation.  Yet somehow he tended to end up alone in the evenings more than he preferred.  Riza seemed to withdraw to early rest most nights and Edward made himself scarce in other less obvious ways, but was noticeably absent nonetheless.

Reading and silence were all well and good, but contact and comfort were almost synonymous in Alfons’s mind, and those times increasingly lacked contact.

Sound drew him from his latest book, a scientific work that probably appealed only to a limited amount of researchers (and complete nerds); Edward had tried to go by Alfons’s seat without a sound but failed to escape the younger man’s notice.  He didn’t look at Alfons, walked by without a word.

Alfons watched him go for half a moment, then found himself suddenly sick of lonely evenings.  He didn’t have to be alone if he didn’t want to be.

He stood − balanced was more like it: one leg on floor, the other still on the couch, and reached with his free arm, hooked it around Edward's waist before the older blonde could escape − and tugged, used weight and momentum to pull Edward (who yelped once, but didn’t flail, at least) back with him onto the couch.

A few seconds of squirming and rearranging ended with Alfons lounged back against the arm of the couch, Edward (having caught on fairly quickly to Alfons’s intentions) sprawled with the ease of familiarity in the German’s lap, laying with his back to Alfons’s chest.

Edward looked surprised, but certainly not unhappy about this turn of events.  He tilted his head back far enough to look up questioningly at Alfons, who simply smiled easily and ran the hand not holding the book over Edward’s hair soothingly.  The alchemist clearly had no complaints about his new chair as he settled against Alfons with a content sound.  The younger man leaned down and kissed the top of Edward’s head, then turned back to the book that rested on his knee, held open by his other hand.  He absently continued to pet his mate as he refocused on the words, found where he’d left off.

As far as Alfons was concerned, now things were peaceful.
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