Dec 04, 2004 18:53
Worked lastnight and today, lovin every minute of it.. Publix kicks ass! Jason isn't a threat to my "relationship" right now, he Works one day the entire week, and it happens to be a day that I don't.. But that's not to say that he won't be, if he has a gf then he won't. but there is another guy that works there that could pose a very large threat. I thought he was cute in the begining, but then like the second day I thought eh.. not my type, but today I was totally flirting with him, and that's when I realized, I like him, he's got gorgeous baby blue eyes, a great personality, and well I think he's hot. there's another guy that works there that likes me.. bleck! he's so grose! Susan Told me lastnight that he told her he liked me.. but he's so fuggin ugly.. *gag* w/e though... I guess we'll see what happens next...
I love my puppy... he's so great, he needs to be house broke but other than that he's an awesome pup.. I'm taking him to Rich and Susan's house tomorrow.. eeek! lol he;s gonna go play with their dogs.. Killer an older dog that's the size of Blackie, and chicky who is like 5 times his size! lol this should be interesting... but hey, I get more chocolate cake! lol