Oct 05, 2005 22:02
oh livejournal...we meet again.
ok so i am sitting in latin class today and i get this weird itching sensation in on my left knee area. i reach down and i itch it. then it start STINGING and not any ordinary stingy, like burning stinging. it was so killer. i couldn't really think of what it could be so i asked my teacher if i could use the bathroom. i kind of figured it wouldnt sound like the best excuse to say "um teacher i think i have a bug in my pants". so i went down the hall and with everystep the burning stinging grew. basically i figured that my extremities were going to start swelling and then i was going to die. so i went into the bathroom and stripped down to my undies. i tried to find the little creature that dared to crawl up my pants and violate my knee but it was to no avail. the little booger got away. i went back to class and decided it probably wouldn't be best to annouce my predicament to the entire room. so i sat down. the stinging continues and i just wonder what i would look like with a prosthetic leg. math is the next subject that i have so i went and dropped my stuff off and told my teacher about my bites. she said i could go get "help" as she put it. i went and found my sister and she gave me a antibacterial whipe? so i the bug bite could be clean? all it did was sting a lot more(probably had something to do with the alcohol in the whipe). it still kind of stings and such, but the swelling hasn't started yet. if i die i would really like a nice big funeral lots of speakers and such. so just keep that in mind.
all that being said for the rest of the day all i have felt is little insects crawling all over me. it didn't help that tonight when i was walking through my backyard i walked into a spiderweb. it wasn't just any spider web it was like MEGA DEATH spiderweb. i could hear the strands make that sorta of snap sound as i wildly danced around trying to get it all off.
so in conclusion, i had a creepy day.