bringing sexy back

Mar 05, 2014 01:57

Because this was the best meme ever and also I have so many glorious new fandoms (Ben January! Sleepy Hollow! Seirei no Moribito! bits of Teen Wolf apparently, god help me. and lots more) , and also because

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arsenicjade March 9 2014, 22:51:24 UTC
I don't understand number three.


somebraveapollo March 11 2014, 23:20:16 UTC
I think the profit is supposed to come in the form of the mini-fics people produce in response to number two! Like possibly this meme could also work with just listing a couple of things about the chosen character's sexuality and fantasies (e.g.: Tony Stark: bi, bondage, zero-g sex) but I think that writing mini-drabbles is much more fun!

And anyway fics that are about a character's sexuality are kind of rare, aren't they? Like, there is plenty of shippy fic in the world (which is absolutely my favourite kind of fic!) but I haven't seen many examples of fic that is about a single character's sexual history / sexual desires / sexual orientation.


arsenicjade March 17 2014, 01:51:44 UTC
Ah, I see :-) Well, I feel like lgbtfest gets a lot of those out there, but yeah, I hear you.


somebraveapollo March 17 2014, 11:51:42 UTC
Hah, lgbtfest (apparently called queerfest this year!) has produced a lot of interesting fic. Buuuut, it very sensibly doesn't extend to kinks, and also, you know, I find the prompt-and-response format kind of weird to use in this case. Like, for me, I have a fairly sharp idea about the sexual life of every character I like and know well enough. So I don't think I could write someone else's ideas!


arsenicjade March 24 2014, 02:42:51 UTC
Huh. Whereas mine is sort of shaped as I go along by the fic.


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