Yuletide Letter

Oct 26, 2012 21:27

Dear Yuletide Writer!

Lo, this is my first year doing Yuletide, and I am excited beyond words. Thank you, thank you, for writing for me. I know you will do it excellently!

I am currently changing livejournals - I've been meaning to do so for months and somehow Yuletide seems like an incentive - but you can find my previous online identity here:  laeria . You will notice that I am a sloppy journal-keeper but I like talking about my preferences, so I am conveniently stalkable. In particular, you can check out this post for further info on my feelings about both Amal and Augustus.

Things I like:
Kindness - kindness as a motivator, unexpected kindness (coming from teenagers, enemies, bosses), people letting themselves accept kindness gracefully.
AUs - all kinds, from "what if X had taken the phone call" to werewolf cowboys in space. I like it especially when the existing dynamics are heightened or clarified by dramatic changes in the social setting - like slavefic and Regency AUs and such. (I am... kinda hopeless at noticing worldbuilding, so don't fret over the details, I just want interaction!)
Kink - sexual or non-sexual, fun or formal, team-worky or experimental. Go wild!
Epistolary fiction - diaries, memos, newspaper articles.

I dislike:
Jealousy, love triangles, unrequited pining
Unfair relationships - I love power difference, as long as the person in power is as kind as possible. I don't enjoy romances where anyone involved seems to dislike their partner(s).


On my canons:
Please note that this will contain SPOILERS for The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.

Black Books - Obviously I love the hilarity of this show, but also the warmth and the dysfunctional-chosen-family. What I'd like best is an AU of some sort. (Fran Katzenjammer, pirate captain!) I see their three-way friendship as basically gen, but if you want to do a "they experiment with sex" fic, that would rock too. Just please do not ship any two of them while leaving out the third.

TJ and Amal - this is my favourite comic in the world, and I love each and every piece of it. I adored TJ's backstory in the Smut Peddler, but any version you have of it would fascinate me too. Or anything about Amal and his family and friends. I love them together, with all that warmth and trust (well, ish). Shippy future fluff! Shippy future angst! Highschool AU! Anything your heart desires will delight me, as long as there is some form of happy ending.

Hancock - my favourite thing here is probably the mythology. I absolutely love divinities with human desires (Tenth Doctor fan here!) and the whole mortality-as-a-personal-choice thing. My other favourite thing is the canon OT3. Hancock had sizzling chemistry with Mary and Ray - I liked Ray as their well-meaning, fully consenting proxy, but a more equal future relationship is even better.  Or, if you like historical fiction, you could write me about John and Mary's grand past romance. Or something about the other demigods and the various ways two people can be ~soulmates.

The Fault in Our Stars - My favourite thing about the canon is the way it combines honest tragedy with black humour. I  love all the kids. And all the friendships. I fervently shipped Kaitlyn/Isaac in the books, but also either or both of them with Hazel. Or anyone with Augustus. 
[Spoiler (click to open)]
I didn't ask for Gus, though I love him - it's entirely up to you whether you want to include him or not. Sacrilegiously, I would not mind an Augustus-survives AU either, if that's what floats your boat, just please don't dwell on the cure - just write him alive and cool.

EDITED on 5th Nov: this part of my letter seemed kind of lacking, but, honestly, any genre you like is good here: futurefic or past, fluff or mourning, sex or introspection.

In conclusion: this will be awesome. Anonymous commenting is on, so ask if you need something. I have no triggers, but appreciate warnings for death and non-con.


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