Jun 10, 2008 13:18
i had two dreams involving family last night.
one was a fictionaj- it was like a family from a soap opera..the fancy ones with lots of make up and when they walk the high heals leave a trail of sound. i made a mix drink in a zip lock bag for one of my cousins and myself, with orange juice and rum. our parents found out and i blamed it on my sister. then everyone wanted to steal money from me, that i don't have, it was like an episode of intervention the way they sat me down and demanded cash.
the second one was eerie because my mom, dad and i were going to meet my dead grandmother at a fair..but she was dead in the dream, but technology allowed her to come back to life...or something? we drove through a residential neighborhood, that had hella big grass lawns and tiny houses, and all of them had the biggest flowers i've ever seen in the yards. i felt like i had been there before. the neighborhood had a sepia tint. when we met my grandma at the fair she had a fuzzy top hat, the kind that you can buy at festivals; 15 year old potheads wear at hempfest. and she had plastic Xs on her back that i picked off while crying.
strange to say the least.