1,000 American soldiers have now been killed in Iraq.
Their caskets have been hidden from view, and the President won't visit their graves. And this morning, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld diminished their deaths by calling the toll relatively small. But it is now time for us to publicly recognize the sacrifice these soldiers have made, and to demand that our leaders serve those in harm's way better in the future.
There will be an emergency candlelight vigil, tonight, (September 9th), to honor them and reflect on the loss of their lives.
Our vigil will be simple and dignified. We'll gather at 8:00 P.M., and stand in a circle, silently, for 45 minutes or so. Together, we'll acknowledge the sacrifice made by these 1,000 brave American men and women.
Please sign up to come, at:
http://action.moveon.org/vigil/selectmtg.html?zip=33606&distance=10 Here are the details:
Bayshore Blvd. & Bay to Bay Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33606
Thursday, September 9, 08:00 PM
Vigils just like this one will happen throughout the country. So, even if you can't come to the one listed above, you can click on this link to find a different one closer to you, or to create one of your own:
http://action.moveon.org/vigil/index.html Please bring a candle for yourself, an extra one or two if you can, and matches or a lighter.
I hope you can come -- it's important that we mark this solemn occasion together.
Thank you.