i was kind of sad today and was going to write an entry about it, but then i decided to do stuff before ljing and now i'm so excited!!!!!
first - new pic on the suffolk website
second - what i did last night ended up on europe's premiere party site
so yeah... i recommend that when you're feeling down just end up with your pic on a bunch of websites and that'll turn it around.
here it is from the beginning:
i didn't sleep on the plane, so i was really tired and just wanted to sleep, but to avoid jetlag, i stayed awake. my senora wasn't anything like i was expecting, but we had a nice conversation on the way to her building. i was so nervous about speaking spanish, but i think i did alright. the appartment's nice. its kind of small and wicked far away from school and it in one of the few areas of madrid that i have never explored. while unpacking my roommate, joe, shows up. he's greek and in the military, but he's nice. he's really talkative so that was a huge change from pavel. anyway, suffolk took us out to a tapas place - we had: jamon serrano, queso manchego, croquetas, tortilla espanola, bocadillos, and olives. everyone was wicked tired and didnt feel like going out, so we all headed home. my roommate wanted to know where all the stiff to do was, so i driected him to sol and walked home. anyway, i go to bed and joe comes back at like 1, plops on the bed and passes out. then he started snoring. now it wasn't just regular snoring, it was like something was caught in his throat and screaming. needless to say, i was a bit perturbed and i couldn't sleep. due to lack of sleep and need of cigarette (my senora smokes like a chimney btw) i was really pessimistic. i didnt meet too many people because everyone already knew people somehow, and my whole vision of spain wasn't happening. i was contemplating whether i made the right decision, and remained unsure until about an hour ago.
the next morning we had orientation, so my roommate and i walked to school (45 mins away...it was 30 by metro). he said that he got back the night before at like 11, couldn't open the door, so he slept in the hall until his snoring woke my senora up. this is when i started to think that this guy's a pretty big idiot. he still has yet to prove me wrong, but he is a nice guy. orientation was boring, as was expected. afterward, i took some people i met on a walk around the madrid i know and love. i got to see the things that made me fall in love with this city and i got to be the one to show others these things. i like being in a position in which i can tell people what sites they're looking at and why they are so important. we had a snack in retiro and took the metro home (two girls i met and have become really good friend with are the only other suffolk students who live in my neighborhood). i had dinner with teresa (my senora) and joe; she made chicken but didn't eat it because she said that at her age if she ate at night she would get fat. then my roommate and i went to the university residences to meet up with some suffolk kids. this also kind of pissed me off because we're in a city where anyone can actually go up to a bar and drink and what do you do? you cram 20 people in a dorm room and play kings. last night my roommate was buying beers and the convo went like this - "thervethaths por favorth" "cuantas?" "theith" - translation "beer please" "how many?" "six"
i couldn't stop laughing. he thinks that by talking with a lisp he's a true madrileno. idiot. and ps a girl asked one of the OLs if the OL advised us to speak with a lisp when talking to a spanish person. idiot. we went out after that to this place called star cafe. surprisingly, i had a really good time and met a bunch of cool people. there was an open bar till 12:30 and we got there at 11:50, so i downed a few sangrias and when they ran out of that i got this other drink (i cant remember the name) that was red wine and coke. i know - sounds disgusting but it was actually really good. this is where the picture above took place btw. we were all dancing and having a good time when one of the girls threw up, so we all left at like 2. my idiot roommate told me to get in the cab with the girl who was chundering and her roommates and that he'd find a way home. he was trying to take control of the situation when he was way more drunk than most. anyway i was like, i dont live with them and i dont know where they live idiot. so i ended up walking home. there's a lot more to this story that wont be the same if i type them.
orientation again today. bore city. but we got coffee at this place called the pata negra, which had the nicest waitress and later i intorduced everyone to the college-kid classic tienda verde (a bocadillo store). we had no where to sit and eat so we infiltrated the slu campus because they have tables. i surprised sara, it worked out perfectly.
tomorrow we're going to salamaca. its supposed to rain all weekend. maybe i'll get something pierced at the same place i got my first piercing. my spanish is improving so much already - i realized that i could probably have spoken fine but with the mixture of not trusting myself and having no one with whom to speak, i never saw this.
necesito hacer mi maleta