Who: Loki Laufeyson and Natalya Romanova
When: After School
Where: School Library
What: In which Loki and Natalya are paired together for a school project, and Loki tries and fails to get the girl to gossip.
Natalya Romanova was a dangerous girl, Loki had decided. He had come to this conclusion when she had first turned her eyes on him in class. The teacher had paired them together for their Shakespeare project, and he had looked up from his notebook filled with monstrous sketches and half-finished angst-riddled poetry to catch the girl's icy gaze. It had startled him with a jolt, and he had dropped his pencil to the floor.
Now in the library, Natalya Romanova had not spoken more than a handful of words to Loki. He had tried and failed to start a conversation for the past half hour only to receive that intense gaze followed by a short answer in a tone that did not invite a follow up question.
It was slowly driving Loki crazy that the girl refused to talk to him. He thought girls loved to talk. It seemed to be the only thing Amora knew how to do. But Natalya Romanova wasn't like other girls, Loki figured. She was dangerous. Dangerous girls had secrets. And secrets were great gossip.
Casting his eyes about the small corner of the library, Loki took another stab at conversation, "Do you know that Barton kid?"