Feb 24, 2008 03:34
Chris W: Could i fly u here to san diego?
Me: I'm not sure i remember u? ~anna~
Chris W: Chris from UA just moved to san diego mars2k2
Me: How did i meet u? ~anna~
Chris W: Chemistry class
Me: I haven't had a chem class in 3 years ~anna~
Chris W: I know that we didn't meet yesterday its been a while u know me chris teach massge... ?
Me: Sorry i really don't remember. We friends on facebook or have any mutual friends? ~anna~
Chris W: Yes we are friends we talked about ur new years eve at the playboy mansion we had class with colby...
Me: I don't kno ne 1 named colby nor have i been 2 the playboy manion. Wrong person dude. ~anna~
Chris W: Well thanks for letting us use your name for free coke then let mw know if there is anything i can do for u this spring
Me: Free coke? What the hell r u talking about ~anna~
Chris W: Still awake?
Chris W: Well ya free coke apparently u dont remember me christ
Me: I fucking told u that u have the wrong person dumbass. If u kno me then tell me my full name ~anna~
Chris W: Anna corinne right?
Me: I'm her old roommate. ~anna~
Me: Corinne's old roommate. ~anna~
Chris W: Ah well i am very sorry to have wasted your time
Me: Yeah. ~anna~
Chris W: Who is this if you dont mind my asking? Did you ever take a science class at u of a?
Me: Seriously? I just told you who i was. Corinne's old rommate. And u obviously rn't perceptive enough 2 realize i sign my texts wit my name ~anna~
Me: And i said i took a chem class 3 years ago. Which was evidentally b4 u met me or Corinne. Gnight ~anna~
Chris W: Every text i get is signed anna i am sorry for messaging you and will stop now sorry to bug you