May 06, 2004 10:14
>i see how much priorities change.
>>i see stars in my eyes when i can bare to look at surface reflection of myself.
>>>thegetupkids/savestheday were awesome.
thegetupkids=fucking rad all round
savestheday played firefly <3.
i think i damaged pats hearing when i squealed.
>>>>apathy is the object of my remaining affections. there's an oxymoron for you
>>>>>which reminds me, i am a moron.
>>>>>>i really dont know whats happening.
>>>>>i've been saying "but i just dont care" alot
>>>>because i just dont.
>>>i've been neglecting manda. i'm sorry. really. i love you and miss you more than whats healthy. i have no money to msg you. please call me if you're free on sat/satnight/sundayafternoon/sunnight. i need to talk to you and be squealy and girly about something:)
i'm not going to make it down to one >
because i know what will happen if i do.
systems failing