you should stop talking all together.hows that for ya

Oct 13, 2005 23:17

01. Last Cigarette: I don't smoke
02. Last Kiss: sunday.sarah kissed me cheek today tho
03. Last Cry: don't remember
05. Last Movie Seen In a Theater: waiting..last night
06. Last Book Read: The Five People You Meet In Heaven
07. Last Cuss Word Uttered:probly fuck.shit.or balls cant remember
08. Last Beverage Drank:Arizona
09. Last Food Consumed:we had a pasta dinner
11. Last TV Show Watched:making the band.everyone in that show should be stabed.or just laughed at
12. Last Time Showered:well I was just outside.I think that counts
13. Last Shoes Worn: diesels
14. Last CD played:the higher
15. Last Soda Drank:wild cherry pepsi
16. Last Thing Written:idk?
17. Last Words Spoken:"theres a spider"
18. Last Annoyance:the damn cat
19. Last Person You Shared A Drink Or Food With:Kristen drank my drink on accident.I spazed.Im a total germ freak
21. Last Web Site Visited:lj
22. Last time you had sex?never

B O D Y:

01. Piercings:5.ears and belly button
02. Tattoos: none
03. Height: 5'2
04. Shoe size: 61/2 7
05. Hair color:brown
06. Siblings:brother.step brother.step sister

D O * Y O U

01. You have a crush on someone:im not a playa i just crush alottt
02. You wish you could live somewhere else:never
03. You think about suicide:nope
04. You believe in online dating:
05. Others find you attractive:okay gay question much
06. You want more piercings:after cheer.yes sir
07. You drink:do you
08. You do drugs:nope
09. You smoke:nope
10. You like cleaning:sometimes
11. You like rollar coasters:yup
12. You write in cursive or print:both

F O R *O R *A G A I N S T...

01. Long distance relationships:depends
02. Teenage smoking:smoking is useless
04. Driving drunk:dumb
05. Soap operas:hahah im not gunna lie yes.

H A V E*Y O U . . .

01. Ever cried over a guy/girl:nope
02. Ever lied to someone:yes
04. Ever been in a fistfight:hahhah yes
05. Ever been arrested:not yet

R A N D O M...

01. Shampoo do you use:here we go.bed head.redken.vive
02. Shoes do you wear:I owne way to many. AE.converse.Diesel.hollister sandals are my madden.nine balance.reebok

N U M B E R . . .
01. Of times you have been in love?who knows
02. Of hearts you have broken? =/
03. Of drugs taken illegally?coffes a drug
04. Of people you consider your enemies?haha i dont know
05. Of scars on your body? basketball scars homey.oh and I hit a tree in brians back yard on a rope swing.
06. Of things in your past that you regret?NO REGRETS.

IN OTHER NEWS: I cut my hair off.5and a half inches. I left my camra at Sarahs ill post a pic tomorrow.or not who knows.Pasta dinner tonight was fun.Then went to Dakots also fun.Its 11:19 maybe ill go to bed so I wake up tomorrow.


ps: im not rereading this shit im going to bed.sorry for spelling errors etc.
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