Megacon, complete with a report and pictures.

Feb 21, 2007 11:49

I had a great time at Megacon!  There were some ups and downs, but I think the good outweighed the bad.  It was so depressing having to leave the convention and go back to school.  On top of that, I think I'm getting sick because my throat feels like it's on fire.  But anyway, onto the report!

    Friday:  We got to the convention center around 5 and spent our time picking up our wristbands and browsing the dealer's room.  None of us bothered to get into our costumes since it was getting late.  Our friends who left later than us got in around 8, so after checking out

    sakura02's artist alley booth, we decided to head back to the hotel to meet them.  Drama ensued later that night, and I'm sorry to everyone who was involved.  Everything got resolved, though, so no worries.

    Saturday:  Everyone got up early to change into their costumes.  I changed into Jibril, and my mom drove us to the convention center so I could be pre-judged for the costume contest.  Roy escorted me to the pre-judging, and in the meantime, Mandy, Michael, and Melissa went to help Monique with her artist alley table.  Luckily, I got in line early, so I got in and out in time to watch the AMV contest, in which Roy had entered an AMV.  After that, I had to line up for the costume contest presentation.  After the contest, I ditched my hoopskirt of doom and changed into Sara so I could go to the rave.  The rave was really hot and kind of smelly, though, so the group of us wandered in and out.

    Sunday: We didn't really have anything planned for Sunday, so that was our "get pictures and swoop in on the dealer's room" day.  Roy and I finally tracked down Maboroshi after missing him on Friday and Saturday and got some Shigure/Akito pictures.  I think the only event we went to was Karaoke, and then we had to leave.

    And now some pictures:

    Melissa, in her outfit.

    Michael as Sasuke, getting glomped by a team of narutards.

    Michael, yet again, signing this girl's Sasuke plushie.

    Roy, dressed as supergoth PVC Setsuna.

    Me as Jibril.  I'm really disappointed I didn't get better pictures of this costume.  I wanted to get some professional shots from Maboroshi, but I couldn't find him all day when I was wearing this.  I'm also disappointed with this costume in general, especially since the wings broke ...

    Roy and I as Setsuna and Sara.

    The group of us after the rave.

    You can see the rest of the pictures here.

    And a big congratulations to everyone who won an award in the costume contest!  You guys deserved it. :D It was so awesome being able to talk to some of you while waiting in the costume contest line. 

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