Every year today, since 2001, I make a point to stop. To look back over the pictures, to bow my head, to sift through my memories of that day and hold them closely - I never want to forget. And it's amazing how I remember events so clearly, I can unfold it like a map in my mind.
I haven't sat down yet today and looked through the pictures yet. But memory has been heavy on my heart for the past few days. In my student teaching, I am in a creative writing class, which I'll help teaching eventually. Right now my cooperating teacher has just begun the unit on poetry. I am not a poet. But good teaching can make you think you can do what you've tried and failed to do before. On Friday during the drive back from school, I had fragments of a thought burning in me, and after a walk I sat and wrote it down.
I think I'll put it here for today.
Cerulean - the porcelain of the sky wrapped
round with whips of low white
lush green, the last gasp of summer, stretches
in counterpoint to the promise
I remember.
It was on a day like this.