Sometimes I wonder why it's so hard to stay grateful for the good things. Quite a few genuinely good things have happened to me this past week, but in the face of a few other realizations, I feel remarkably like curling up into a ball in a corner. Of course, the fact that my ankle is still hurting might just help make everything worse - it's a gorgeous day, and I want to be outside enjoying it, but if I don't put my foot up every hour or so...
Anyway, in an attempt to battle feeling bereft and the interminable waiting - I have decided to issue a challenge to myself. 30 days of pictures. I have to either take them or sketch them. There will probably be more photos than sketches - lucky you, you get to see them. I call this picture: Lines that were seen accidentally are actually much more interesting than the flower I attempted to photograph.
What can I say, titling is a work in progress.
...also, my OS apparantly only has 5 GB free. I just went through and deleted/uninstalled everything I could think of - and yes, I emptied the recycling bin. I... don't know what's causing this. Thoughts, out there in internetland?