I think yesterday's massive productivity scared me off today, where I only managed to get the bare essentials done.
Dude. Room. I've spent multiple hours cleaning you, how dare you start coming apart at the seams again? I'm going to take this as a personal insult.
Job hunting is going... brain explodingly, as predicted. I am very much afraid that if I want to do part time, which I do, I am going to end up working retail. Maybe I'll try Starbucks or something, just for something different. Although I am finding some very interesting careers, once of which would pay to move me to Rome if I could just take the plunge...
Speaking of diving right in, I decided I'd do it: I joined
NaNoWriMo. So if anyone out there wants to be the writing buddy of someone who's already well on her way to pulling her hair out, Come On, I say, We Can Do It Together!