"Six o'clock in the morning, you're the last to hear the warning..."

Apr 06, 2001 06:27

So I'm totally insane. I'm going to Boston in < 12 hours, and I should have slept lots this past night so I don't have to sleep as much tonight. But I've had trouble sleeping. Worked on heading bedwards around 12:30, realized there were some clothes I wanted to take to Boston, and I needed to handwash them then so they could hang dry in time to pack them. Washed the clothes, crawled into bed, tiredish, but read for a bit (Clifford Stoll, Silicon Snake Oil, interesting, although I disagree with him in some places). Constantly drifting off but have this perverse desire to finish this book. So around 3:30 or so I wake back up and finish the book. And the jerk put a single-substitution cryptogram at the end of the book, so I have to get up out of bed in the middle of the night to solve it. :^) Yes, that's sick. So I get online because I want to use my friend's cryptogram-solving tool that I don't have locally. And I get another talk request from my stalker! At 4 in the morning! Does he not sleep? So I tell him I'm busy set "mesg n" (which I remembered on one of the terminals I'd opened, but not both) and get on with my life. Solve the silly thing, crawl back into bed. I'm a little bouncy about my trip, afraid I'll forget something. Try to sleep. Put on Indigo Girls, Swamp Ophelia. Not such a bright idea. That sends me down memory lane, thinking about the first time I heard that CD, free-associate from HS to college memories, and I realize I'm not going to sleep for a while. So I get up and be productive and pack, then I decide to see if anyone's online. And I run into an old college friend and we reminisce. And we both agree that our social circle is/was too incestuous, but that's another story entirely. So it's almost 7, and I really ought to stay up until my 10:30, or at least finish the HW for my 11:30, because if I go back to sleep I won't be able to do it afterward. Maybe I can nap some this afternoon, after class and before I go to the airport. Normally I'd do the "sleep on the plane" thing, but I'm in first class on the second leg (no first class on the puddle-jumper), so I should stay awake and enjoy it, right? Blah. Must finish HW, eat, dress, and head to campus to crash in a lounge in the same building as my 10:30 class. That way someone will kick me and make sure I go to class on time.
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