Oct 07, 2003 02:48
Well i babysit full time starting in the morning. Straight through until next thursday or so. Dave was kind enough to send me a copy of Ragnarok the other day, which took all day, so theres something to do here now. It doesn't help that the maps never seem to be set up right in the game for someone who gets lost. Maybe a sign post or two could be handy. An Acolyte is the closest thing to a Palidan in that game so i went with that. Gay Priest always sends to off to the middle of no where to talk to some Nun who spends her days hanging out in the dessert. Hurrah for an attempted plot. Failed. The games pretty fun, once you get over the endless lag or crashing of personal servers.
I wonder if theres any chicken in the house... feel like making my chicken stew.
Oh and bonus, pirated satallite. Even PPV channels for free. Muah ha ha ha. The only drawback is waking up early, looking after 4 kids and no friends for miles.