Dec 25, 2006 05:37
I have a list... a huge list of things to not forget.
i love how I'm going to Israel heavier then I wanted.
the past 2 months I've been working out.. consistantly
and yet my thyroid is acting up and I've gained.
i can't even tell you.. this is the route of..... not looking forward to even going
which is completely selfish
but... first impressions are everything
and mine.. will be a failure
aggghhhh plus..
i've too much laundry...
omg... i'm miserablllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllle.
all day Monday I'll be.... organizing.
but i did ask Itz what I can bring for his parents.
after much deliberation
he told me, Godiva chocolates.
you know, I never realized how expensive this chocolate was.
a. I'm not into chocolate.
b. i hate godiva
review of the day....Dec 24.
Jessica calls me at 7:47am.
which I didn't pick up of course
because I got home late from work
and waking up that early on a Sunday... this bitch is crazy.
then she proceeds to text message me
until I finally type back ...."k"
she wanted to go to the mall, and told me to call her when I wake up
well around 10am.. she calls me to wake me up ...
calling nonstop following by text after text.
i'm like screaming in my bed.. fuck off.
honestly.. like it wasn't cute.
long story short i jumped in the shower
and told her i'd be ready in 20 mins
and she said she'll call me when she's outside.
well i get out of the shower
and she calls
and said she's outside
fuck offfffffff
i took my sweet time..
i'm notttt a morning person. whatsoever.
we went to the mall and she's like..
it shouldn't be that busy.. i laughed and told her.. just wait
crazy bitch, it'll be packed
oh it was.
then we went to breakfast and .. i had tea.
honestly if one more person...
wishes me Merry Christmas, and gives me a face, when i don't reply...
you can go take a christmas tree and shove it up your ass.
oh boy i'm hostile.