Socks for Christmas!

Dec 25, 2009 21:56

So, I asked for socks for Christmas. I worked really hard to think of other things for my list but the only thing I could really think of that I wanted was socks. Not just ordinary socks, but cools socks.

That being said, if you had asked me a few days ago, I would have told you I didn't think I would get any. I mean, socks are that present that everyone jokes about...the bad one.

Well, apparently the message went out. I got socks for Christmas. Eight Pairs of socks. That's right, I scored in the sock department. Socks Rock. OH! And a little sock coin purse to boot.

Yes, I got other "bigger" and awesome presents, but I'm just so excited about my new awesome sock collection. So I'm sharing with you all. And here they are:

Beyond that I have to say this was one of the best Christmases ever. Low key, good food, relaxing day. It was really good. I hope all of yours were just as wonderful.

christmas, holidays

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