Ahh done gone to Otakon - Day 0

Aug 13, 2006 19:07

In a feeble attempt to actually do something with this journal, I'm going to describe my recent trip to Otakon.  I've been a fan of
gogoicarus and her Inhuman comic for a while.  When I found out she was going to be at Otakon, I decided this was as good an excuse as any to go see an anime convention, so plans were made.  Got registered, got reservations at the Columbia Courtyard Mariott, took the car in and got it all checked out, etc.


Got up at some creepy hour of the morning, got dressed, finished packing, and loaded the car up.  Before starting, I had to get all the electronic weaponry hooked up.  This consisted of the cell phone hands-free adaptor, the Smarttire, and the StreetPilot.  The SP was *very* handy during this trip, as I'll point out later on.  I dialed in 8910 Stanford Blvd, Columbia MD (the street address of the motel).  The SP chewed on that for a minute, then popped out initial directions.  Getting a green board from the electronics :), I finally got under way about 7:00AM.

The trip out was pretty uneventful.  You basically get on I-70 and drive east a long while:)  I had about a half tank of gas, which I figured would get me about halfway before needing to fill up.  It started getting somewhat interesting driving about halfway through Pennsylvania, as you start crossing the Appalachians, which means you start having to drive up and down these long, big hills.  This is interesting, because I drive a Honda Insight.  Since it's fairly flat around where I live, I found I had to quickly learn some new driving techniques:)  The Insight would start up a hill OK, but then the battery pack would run down part way up, and I suddenly found myself driving a *really* whimpy car :)  I quickly figured out though, that I could downshift to third gear and zip up the hill without hitting the battery pack.  The Insight is perfectly happy doing 75 in 3rd gear :D
Part way along, I started following a car with "OTAKON OR BUST!" painted on their rear window, but they eventually turned off(maybe to pick someone up?).   It was indeed about halfway down the Pennsylvania Turnpike that I stopped to get gas, drain the bladder, and eat, which took about 25 minutes.  That was the only stop I made before getting to the motel.  It was about 8.5 hours, with one 25 minute break.
Anyway, the SP was flawless in guiding me down I-70, the Pennsylvania Turnpike, and on to Columbia, MD.  The only screwup was right at the end, when it said I was at my destination, it was actually only the 8800 block of Stanford blvd, instead of 8910.  But I only had to drive about a quarter of mile further and found the motel.

I checked in about 3:30, got to my room, freshened up before heading to the convention center to pick up my badge.  The StreetPilot proved it's worth again, as I dialed in "1 E. Pratt St, Baltimore, MD" and it guided me directly to the large building with a huge line of oddly-dressed people milling around it.  Unfortunately, the SP doesn't tell you where to park, so it was another hour by the time I found a parking garage, got lost, got turned around again, and made it to the convention center.  I should add at this point that Baltimore was in the middle of a heat wave, and it was easily 100 degrees out.  Then I had the fun of standing in line in the hot sun for 30 - 45 minutes before I finally made it inside the building.  Fortunately, I was wearing a floppy hat, which provided some shade from the sun.  Unfortunately, I didn't bring any water along, so I got pretty dehydrated.  I finally got my badge and got back to the motel, by which time I wasn't feeling too well.  I sent out for pizza and drank a bunch of water, which helped, but my hips felt like they were going to fall off and drag my spine out with them (a bad omen).  I took some Advil and went to bed.

otakon driving streetpilot honda

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