Feb 02, 2010 00:14
Well, barring me doing something stupid like getting F's and not dropping every single one of my next four classes, I'm graduating from Cornell in May. A year and a half later than originally planned, but hey, it's done.
So, now I'm looking more into things. End goal still being med school, but now I have to work out how to get there. My GPA is only 2.19 at the moment - I'm hoping to bring it up some more by the end of the year, but the best I could possibly get is 2.39 with straight A's. This is abysmal, frankly, for my end goal.
So I'm left with a few options on how to raise my GPA. Four jump clearly to mind:
- Community college
- Continuing education classes at Cornell
- Continuing education classes at another university
- Master's degree
It's going to be a fun time figuring these out. I need at least a 2.5 GPA to transfer into the University of Iowa premed program. Perhaps my best choice would be to simply take community college courses in the summer and try to transfer in for spring semester next year. I don't know.