Spending less and less time at home lately. Work, girlfriend, and general socializing eat up my time. When I get home it's to unwind, which is with either flash games or reading.
It's a pretty decent life.
I need more work. I really do. Though I'm managing now, I really need the boost for once my student loans become due again. Considering working at a place that does assisted living for the mentally ill, but need to actually wake up early enough to get there and apply before work.
As for reading, I read
Ishmael recently. Still not sure how I feel about it, though it did make me think, which was the goal. I know I don't totally agree, and some of the ethics presented were troubling at best, but it's something I highly recommend everyone at least read.
Also keeping up on some TV. Glee, Castle, Heroes, and V all are pretty good shows, in my opinion. Whoo.
Went to my first Shabbat dinner with Cornell's Hillel last week. Was a good experience - very laid-back, and the rituals are nothing terribly bizarre. I also felt completely welcome, which was really nice. I shall have to go again.
Also: totally, completely, head over heels in love.