Jan 12, 2005 21:18
Well today was alright I guess. I was in a good mood all day :) Chemistry was even bearable. I'm still pissed about what happened last night, but w/e. Its in the past and if he wants to talk to me he will and its not my choice so why should I worry, right? My "car incident" is getting worked out...calling the Dent Doctor (thanks Joel) so hopefully we'll be good in a few days. Well the new news is this: quitting winterguard, being made to do honor choir (but that's fine, I don't mind), and doing 2 ensembles for districts. One Sweet Adeline group (that's kinda like barbershop stuff for girls) and another doing "Lift Thine Eyes" and "My Love and I" both pieces I already know pretty well and LOVE!! So I'm really excited about that. We're doing the coolest pieces in CC so I'm really excited about choir in general. Well...I'm sleepy and Joel said I had circles under my eyes so I'm gonna start heading to bed! I love y'all! Sweet dreams :)