Oct 02, 2007 08:51
Well, the division playoffs begin today, and the Yankees are playing the Indians in the first round. I'm glad this is the matchup, because the Yankees have not really had a problem with the Indians at all this season. I'm hoping this will translate into their first win in the first round since 2004. Best case scenario is that the Yankees beat the Indians, and the Red Sox beat the Angels(and no, I'm not rooting for the Red Sox, it's just that the Yankees have an easier time against the Red Sox. The Angels always beat the crap out of the Yankees!).
I have a weird schedule the next couple days...I have to go in at 6:30 tonight, so that I can do an inventory. Then I have to be in at 8 tomorrow, and work till close....13 1/2 hours...WOO HOO!!! Luckily I'll get Thursday off to recover from it all.
Got an update on my Car Yesterday. $2500! YAY!!! I had a few options...
1) Rebuild the engine, but have the possibility of having problems again if they can't fix the problem. 2)Get a Rebuilt engine for about $4000, which comes with a 5 year, 75,000 mile warranty. 3)Get a used engine, that comes with a 1 year parts and labor warranty. 4) Get rid of the car and buy a new one.
Well.....we all know that the last option is really not an option...and I'm not spending $4000 on a rebuilt engine....so my choice was between 1 and 3. Well, option 3 still would have cost me roughly $2500 anyway, so I just decided to go with the used engine with 37,000 miles on it. Now it will take a couple days for the guy to get the engine, then hopefully a day or so to put it in, and I should have my car back by next Monday....YAY.
Well, that's my update for today. I'm going to go watch a movie, since I'm stuck at home until Rebecca gets out of work. :) Later all!