The heart doth go on...

Jun 26, 2005 14:05

So after that journal entry, I did indeed call Andrew...but no one picked up. Either did the answerign I figured someone was on it, so I called back like 20 mins later. And Matt picked up, and then the answering machine picked up and I hear Matt going "Just ignore that! Ignore it!" and then Andrew picks up "Hello? I got it Matt" "Just ignore that!" "I got it!" "Is this Amber?" "Yeah it's Amber, is Andrew there?" "I got it!" So yeah, it was a big mess of confusion lol and I did indeed cry when I was talking to Andrew...only he could barely hear me over the crowd of people in his house, so I just asked me if I was going over and I said if my mom would bring me and he said to call him back if I couldn't make it so he'd know... but I went... (baring 20 dollars and candy! WoOt for the Candy...yes, this after the four page letter I wrote him...we haven't even talked about that yet...blah...)

(Josh...if you're reading this, check your mail, cuz I'm gonna be sending you something soon!!!)

So I went and waved at Miss. Sandy (Andrew's Nana/my old bus driver/my best friend ;) hah/the lady who brings me to church) like a fool, and then greeted Jason (Andrew's lil cousin he's 10 I believe he's sooo adorable!!) and then I here Andrew going "Amber's here! Hey Amber, did you bring your bathingsuit?!" No one told me to, so of course, I didn't. But that's okay cuz only Jeff P. was swimming anyway. Jeff, Jess F, and Andrew were just sticking their feet in the pool complaining that they wanted to swim but they didn't want to get wet (I's

So then Andrew read his card, hug, blah blah blah, I talked to Miss. Sandy and Pastor Tom, and then Andrew decides he's going to walk off and leave me there with his b/f who I've never talked to even though we're around each other like ALL the time, Jeff F. who I've never talked to either, and Jess P...who Thank God, I used to be close with. Anyway, so me and Jess P were talking a little and I was just staring off into no where when it happens.

Jeff spoke! dun dun dunnn...

"Hey Amber, what time is it?"

Ugh, like I know. So I get to make a fool out of myself the first time we actually talk to each other. But it's okay, cuz there was more talking after that lol

Well I followed Jess P. around a bit and talked to her and then we joined the rest of them  at a picinic table (I know, who owns them, right? lol jk) and I found out that Andrew's friends aren't actually as strange as I'd thought. In fact...hell, they're a lot like me...only, a lot more outgoing. Maybe I just didn't like them because Matt doesn't like them and I talk to him too much :-P lol

And there was this little kid named Squirms (okay, his real name was Joe, but we didn't find out until later when Jess F was like hitting on him "Hey, what's your name?" haha and he stuck his tonuge out at us and then said Joe lol at least...we think he said Joe...) but anyway, he was really really adorable and we were making fun of him a lot and he was throwing stuff at Andrew but hey, it was cute! lol

And I love how Andrew's family encourages him to drink. LoL It's like my family!! His dad asked if he was drinking and he's like "I'm the only one, I swear!" And his Dad was just like "Oh, I don't care, I was just asking." lol but none of us got into it even though Jess F wanted to drink so bad ;) lol But her and Jeff were both going out later and had to drive...

And I think it was like his great aunt and uncle...but anyway, this couple came over and gave him money to buy kegs when he's at college it's soooo funny lolol

Anywho...Jess P wanted her FIFTH piece of cake, so we all headed inside where she ate said piece of cake and Jeff dropped watermelon on the floor ("No one saw that!") and then Andrew had three plates of meat balls and Jess P had FOUR untop of those FIVE pieces of the hell is she that skinny? lolol and yes, she'd already eaten that day lolol

And then dun dun dunnnn Jeff and Jess F found out about me being a vegaterian and the questions started *sigh* and Jess F is determinded to find a nickname for me...don't ask...

And then Caitlin popped in and we got to see some funny pictures (but I didn't see many before she left...) so they all left and I walked over to Matt and Gary and they were like "I was wondering when you were going to join the cool kids!" Because well, as stated, they hate Jeff and all of them...and well, I was friends with them frist...but it was a party for Andrew so I hung out with him but then they all left and Andrew had to say bye to everyone and do other stuff so I stayed with Matt, Gary, Chuck, and Matt's cousin Mark or whatever his name was (he was hawaiian hah it's awesome) and then Mrs. Schmidt invited us all to sleep over!

WoOt here comes the fun stuff ;) lol (not really...)

So Gary and Chuck went to get clothes for Chuck (me and Gary delt without them...) and Gary went to Wawa as me and Matt looked for sticks to roast marshmellows and then Chuck came back (Gary was still at Wawa lol) and they started with the whole "Ring" thing lol (Oh, by the way, we're starting "The Bracelet" a new movie ;) hah!!)

*ring ring* "Hello?" ...."It's for you..." *scared looks, slow motion phone grabbing, breathing heavily* "Oh, hi mom, yeah Becca's here!" *pushes Chuck" lol until they switched places and Chuck like pushed Matt over lol and then there was slow motion and fast forward haha it was so funny but Gary was getting pissed off but the little phone they used was just too funny (Mark put it in the fire and turned the bottom of it black lolol)

And we played games and me and Chuck broke things (hah yeah it was fun lololol) and then we watched "Stealing Harvard" and it was fun I only slept for three hours.

And in the morning I got up and took a shower and put on my same clothes to go to church in (brushing my teeth with my finger and toliet paper.....don't ask....)

Church was okay. Joey was there, which is good and bad. Good because I like spreading the word of God and expanding the Church. Bad cuz I think he was only there to stalk Andrew. Matt and Chuck don't exactally like Joey...

I was crying in Church because one of our members died in an accident. I didn't even really know him, but everyone was really upset and I love them and it hurts me to see them hurting. And then I was crying because it got me thinking about a lot of stuff...

Needless to say, I had fun yesterday and today, nonetheless. But I can't help but have a pang in my heart still... but that'll have to wait until later...gotta go e-mail Josh and then do these shitty history essays *sigh...*

<3 Ambz
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