May 21, 2005 23:11
so i ended up driving up to see joe instead.. casue he had to get his tires changes and practice junky junk...went to soem weird restourant tortilla sams in worcester and i think out waiter hated me..casie i didnt realize he was standing there and was talking about soem shitty meatl kid.. and well he was one of those shitty metal kids..oops..
got to see eric which is awesome casue i didnt think i was gonna get to ..i cut joes hair then we just spent the nigth there and eric passed out from drinkin to much wine ha..and we had noo blankets and it was so damn COlD so joe stole towels from the bathrooma and i put coush cushions on top of me haha..anywayy drove back then stop at spencers to visit my old work
and the rehired me for sundays and some fridays
the visited allison and she was goin out and i was bored and drove to the outlets alone it was an hour drive i was bored hah i got apair or ralph laurne jeans that fit amazingly.. got lost going back and ended up at IKEA it was my first ikea expieriance everrrrrr..i swear and was on the verge of a panick aatack i kept getting lost and finding randomn pink stuff..and couldnt find my way out.. but eventually soemone helped me and i got pink heart ice cube trays a pink garbage and pink lamp fot 8 fuckin bucks!!!!!!!!!!!
now im back at mikes and have to work spencers tomorrow 12-4