A well made cake! :)

Feb 07, 2011 11:37

 I have spet the last 8 or so months dying to bake a German Chocolate Cake that I found here. Suffice to say I wasn't all that sure I could bake a monster like this with out a) Killing my family, b) Killing myself. It took me a horrid happy 5 hours of preparation, baking and then completing the cake, but its well worth the effort.

So, New Years Eve I decided that I'd make my first ever GCC and it turned out pretty well. It went so well in fact that irridecent_bean asked if I could make it for her birthday. Her turning 25 and all, I could'n just say No.
I loved this cake so much, that I have to share with the world, even though it's probable been shared more times than anyone would care to count. There are many a few changes to the original recipe, however its all just personal taste. I used double the chocolate and did not use the syrup ... ghastly stuff that was. And I pretty much double the filling as well.

Here are some Pikkys!!!

baking, german chocolate cake, bean's birthday

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