Entry 1

Feb 18, 2007 10:40

Day 2, Date Unknown

So far:


-Plural? (are there more??) Name of founder?
-During day, hospital-- everyone "crazy", given different names (Alex? Something longer? Last name? need to find source of name)
-During night, still hospital, different-- doors unlock, monsters(?), demons(??)
-Place/founder/staff/some entity managed to supress abilities previously unsurpressable-- How?


-Nurses, have some part of scheme? Innocent? Blinded to everything? Play unwilling parts?
-Other patients
°Man from breakfast-- Silent, angry, unfamiliar (perhaps from other world)
°Blonde Man-- Seen at lunch (first day), likes to talk, childishly obsessed with time, maturity level unknown, mentioned demons Word 'demons' circled twice
°Miles Edgeworth-- Met first night, seen at lunch (first day),
°Uchiha Sasuke-- from another world; Friends with loud boy? (Naruto)
°Haku-- From same world as Sasuke; Hides behind smile
°Seimei-- met first and second night, silver tongue, more than he seems, touchy, has a brother, calm, cat ears, tail
°Ritsuka-- Brother of Seimei
°Naruto-- Overly excited, loud, knows how to fight(?), friends with Sasuke(?)

In small writing Too much unknown, others from Meifu not sighted-- might not be here?

entry 1, ic

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