(no subject)

Apr 22, 2007 22:26

So today, I went to my first big Smash Bros tournament! :D

This seriously was one of the best days I've had in my life. I met a lot of REALLY nice people there. Got to play against some AMAZING people that really whooped my ass, but gave me some pointers as well. And I even made some new local friends, in the process =)

Hopefully, I'll be able to do this a LOT more often because that was just a blast. I have never had so much fun playing SSBM in my entire life. The awesome thing is that I actually met some people that play Smash at the local Georgia Perimeter College that's really not too far a drive from here.

I got some good feedback on my skill level, too. Like I said before, the people that beat me would usually give me some helpful tips on what I could have/should have done to better my game. I think the best comment I did get the entire night was "You are pretty darn good for being an underground player. Just keep playing people like us and you'll be excellent in no time." That made me happy, right there =) I mean, while becoming a "pro" at SSBM isn't my huge dream in life, it's definitely something I'd love to accomplish.

God, I hope I can do that again soon.. because this day was definitely something I won't forget.


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