My ex blocked me on Instagram and I couldn’t be happier!
Means I finally got to him, after all these years. I’ve always given him the benefit of the doubt, no idea why, because once I found the truth of his ongoing abuse with his wife for the past 8yrs it all seems so clear. This of course triggered all the hell he had put me through in the past. The bruises he left on my arms, they took two weeks to heal and I was only able to hide them because it happened in the winter of 2004. The way I lied for him to the cops when they asked if he hurt me. The time I got subpoena because i happened to be at the same party where he sexually assaulted a girl. Or the countless times he mocked me, made me feel worthless. I have one word:gaslighting. He is a gas lighter and to this day I see no hope for his selfish ways. Until he is able to take responsibility for his disgusting actions, he will find no truth or happiness. I don’t even feel sorry for him because disease or not, you abuse someone and you get what you deserve. I feel relief and confidence in his wife leaving him, and being so open and honest about her situation. Anyways, I say I don’t want to get involved and here I am writing in my goddamn LIVEJOURNAL about it! Fuck you matt lonergan!