5 months!!!!

Oct 28, 2014 21:13

5 months!

My little Snow White is 5 MONTHS OLD! She has now learned how to use her hands to grasp everything in sight and immediately put it in her mouth, roll from belly to back and just the other day decided "hey I got legs. They help me stand when I straighten them out. Huh." So much!!!! She also wants to sit up on her own sobad. I think she may skip the whole crawling and go straight to walking. We tried rice cereal (hates) oatmeal cereal (hates) apples (hates) sweet potato (maybe likes?) prunes (likes) and banana (likes!) but she got a rash on her baby stuff so I'm eliminating the solids until it clears to see if it had anything to do with it. I also ate walnuts a few weeks ago and she broke out in rashes on her face. So.. Had to expect some allergies to occur! Was just hoping it wouldn't be this soon :/
Tavi is sucha good sleeper and happy baby! Although she still needs to be rocked to sleep... And she is outgrowing the rock n play. Ugh. Today Danny has her laughing so much! I love my little family.
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